Pisang Nugget popular snack in Bandung

Lately culinary Indonesia has been horrendous with the presence of a new type of snack known as banana fried Nugget (banana nugget)

This snack is still unfamiliar in the ears of some people

But, for culinary lovers especially of sweet foods, fried pisang nugget now become one of most wanted food especially in the Bandung city

Because Indonesian people really like snacks

Then the Pisang Nugget is now becoming very popular among culinary lovers this is a new innovation in the culinary world as we know  nuggets usually made from chickens are now replaced with banana raw materials

Many variants of the flavors are served
among others are chocolate, cheese, oreo, tiramisu, green tea, even Nutella can eat as a flavor enhancer.

So what makes this banana nugget so popular?

Because the taste so good and varied choices from topping lot and the price is very affordable

Makes you curious the taste and want to try it Right ?

Come visit to Indonesia especially Bandung and immediately feel the taste If you too lazy I will give the recipe

But next in my next post


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